Natural Smoke Medicine

Our Herbs are organically grown in a small village, according to permaculture principles. Natural products without pesticides and the most important thing: they are very healthy, and strong, with big leaves, flowers, and amazing fragrance.

Wild Herbs come from clean areas surrounded by forest trees and near wild swamps. No cars there just pathways for humans and animals.

Smudging is an archaic ritual of energy cleansing that uses sacred herbs to create smoke. It is a thousand-year-old tradition all over the world. Our ancestors lived close to nature and were connected to nature spirits more than we are now; they were highly intuitive and knew which plant was for what.

Plant medicine is especially important in this modern world where we need to go back to our roots to be stronger, more grounded, healthier, and happier.

Picked with attention and care

For your special smudging rituals